Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Palin Won't Go Away - Blames Media, Bloggers

Sarah Palin is like that irritating rash that just won't go way. You think it's gone but it starts popping up again and again. I had hoped I had written my last post about Sarah Palin in 2008, but it looks like I am going to have to refute her nonsense again in 2009. I was one of the first to immediately reject McCain's insulting pick for a VP (see post here). And as long as she keeps popping up her head I will be forced to continue to smack her back down like one of those "Whack-A-Mole" games.

Her recent comments:

  1. In speaking about being able to see Russia from Alaska she said the following: "You can! You can see Russia from Alaska. Something like that -- a factual statement that was taken out of context and mocked -- what you have to do is let that go."
    What she fails to speak about is that she tried to imply that being able to see Russia from Alaska was a foreign policy qualification. Nice try Sarah, but trying to rewrite history in the same manner as George W. Bush just isn't going to cut it. We are onto that game we aren't playing that here.

  2. "Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me."
    Well I can only speak for this blogger who is NOT bored, NOT pathetic, NOT anonymous and who challenges the Queen of Ignorance to point out any lie on this blog.

  3. On Katie Couric she states the following: "I never saw the interview after Katie edited it, they spliced it together, did whatever they did and then aired it -- never saw how it came across. But my understanding is that . . . so many other topics that were brought up certainly weren't, uh, portrayed as accurately perhaps as they could have, should have been after that interview."
    I'm still trying to understand the incomprehensible Palin babble-speak, but I think she is trying to imply that editing made her look bad during the Couric interview. I have news for you Sarah, it wasn't the editing that made you look bad. Your stunning ignorance on a broad range of topics and inability to communicate effectively made you look bad. In other words YOU made yourself look bad. Quit trying to blame Katie Couric for your disastrous performance.

    My problem all along with Sarah Palin has not been the drama within her family or rifts within the McCain Palin campaign. It has always been the clear fact that she is incredibly unqualified to be anywhere near the White House.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Science Is About To Return To The U.S.

Science has been on an 8 year holiday, but it is currently "dusting itself off" as Obama prepares to replace the 'science-denying" Bush Administration. Here are a few choice quotes from Bill Nye:
"President-elect Obama, in contrast with his predecessor, is fundamentally in favor of science."
"Science, more succinctly the process of science, is the best idea humans have ever had."
"Our ability to observe and understand causes and effects in nature has led to our ability to feed billions, map the world, shape cities..."
"Science is empowering like nothing else."
"For years, scientists, enlightened engineers, entrepreneurs, and anyone concerned with the future have worried as the United States' science has waned. Science had been marginalized, regarded as another special interest. But actually, science is of the broadest interest, the most inclusive discipline there is."
"At last, we will have a president, who understands the value of investing in science and especially science and math education." LINK
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