For those of you sitting on the fence for the upcoming general election, I would like to give you a huge reason to head to the polls in November: THE SUPREME COURT! It is possible that the next President will be in a position to nominate two or three justices for the Supreme Court. Seven out of the nine justices currently serving on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republican Presidents! And at least one of the two justices appointed by President Clinton is likely to be facing retirement (Ruth Bader Ginsburg). Judge Ginsburg is the second oldest justice on the Supreme Court at 75 years old. Judge John Paul Stevens, the oldest judge on the court, is 88 years old and is likely to retire at any moment. Even though he was appointed by President Ford he is considered to be in the “liberal” wing of the Supreme Court.
In other words, two of the members of the so-called liberal wing of the court are very likely to retire during the next President’s term. This country would be unrecognizable if John McCain were in a position to appoint 2 or 3 right-wing, conservative justices in the mold of Roberts, Alito, or Scalia. McCain has caved-in to the right-wing zealots of his party and said that he will appoint very conservative judges. Respect for the Constitution and privacy rights have been trounced upon by the current administration and certain members of this court. It would be unimaginable to me to see the Supreme Court lean even more towards the right. For this reason alone, this is one of the most important elections in the history of the United States! Do not forget that these justices serve for life. Every American’s life, for many years to come, will be directly affected by the makeup of the Supreme Court. VOTE! More specifically, vote for Obama and for a Supreme Court that respects the Constitution and individual rights