For many of these critics anything that is achieved without the use of military force is totally unacceptable. In addition, any accomplishment by a Democrat is to be derided at all costs. But it is obvious that the advantages of this diplomatic success far outweigh any real or imagined disadvantages being trumpeted by John Bolton and others. This is why John Bolton is wrong as usual:
1. Any propaganda value within North Korea is fleeting and minimal. A brief meeting to allow Kim Jong-il to "save a little face" comes at virtually no cost to the U.S. It is not like Clinton's brief time in North Korea propped-up a regime that was on the verge of collapse or overthrow by the opposition. The country is in dire straits, but not the leadership.
2. It appears that no deals were cut and no concessions were made to secure the release of the U.S. journalists.
3. These ex-prisoners are now safely on American soil and can no longer be used as bargaining chips in an attempt to extract concessions in future negotiations or conflicts.
4. Although it is too early to know for sure, this unexpected release by Kim Jong-il may have been a goodwill gesture towards the U.S. In that part of the world actions speak louder than words. It has been obvious for several years that Kim Jong-il has been trying to get attention in much the same way that a young, frustrated child does. There is some potential that this situation may open he door to diplomatic progress between the two countries in the future.
If the unpopular and unconfirmed former U.S. Representative to the UN, John Bolton, wants to pop-up out of his hole and take a shot at Bill Clinton, that's fine. Bolton has a long history of playing loose with the truth and being and abrasive towards colleagues and subordinates when things don't go his way. I think the overwhelming public support for Bill Clinton's successful mission will cause the snarly Bolton to crawl back into his hole while seething at another success by the Democrats and also leave him confused why these events don't fit neatly into his warped view of the world.