Birthers. Deathers. Those who feel comfortable comparing President Obama to Hitler, Nazis, socialists, and Marxists now seem to be in control of the Republican party. People who speak about "death panels" and a "government takeover" of healthcare have free reign within the new GOP. Those Republicans who do nothing to criticize or distance themselves from these fact-free zealots are just as guilty as the zealots themselves.
The warning signs were there months ago when powerful politicians cowered at the feet of Rush Limbaugh rather than face his wrath. Then the tea parties provided a forum for those who could not accept Barack Obama as our President to pop the cork on a big old bottle of "crazy" combined with an large helping of "hate speech." It culminated more recently with Glenn Beck branding President Obama a racist, Joe Wilson calling the President of the United States a 'Liar" on the floor of the House of Representatives, and people carrying signs with the classy slogan "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy." Is there no limit to what is now acceptable behavior within the Republican party? How is this going to end? Will it end? Or will the leaders within the GOP continue to lend support with their deafening silence to the growing fringe who now feel empowered to spew their misinformation, hate, disrespect without being challenged.