Forgive me for becoming weary of those on the right and religious fringe thinking they are doing God's work by refusing to carry out their jobs in a lawful and respectful manner. Bardwell reminds me of the pharmacists who refuse to dispense the "morning after" pill due to their personal religious beliefs. This country cannot function very effectively if every person in a position of power decides to carry out only those specific functions which do not conflict with their view of the world in any way.
I have some advice if you are a pharmacist who feels compelled to deny women a legal drug or a justice of the peace who just cannot bring himself to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple. Find another line of work! Or better yet, do not enter these professions in the first place. I hope that the couple denied a license in Louisiana decide to proceed with their complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice. In addition, I hope the ACLU is successful in their pleading to the Louisiana Supreme Court which requests that Mr. Bardwell be removed from office.