Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jon Stewart NAILS Hannity In Yet Another Fox News Deception!

Any critical-thinking individual doesn't need any convincing that Fox News is regularly deceptive, dishonest, or incredibly biased on a daily basis. But in classic Jon Stewart style, Sean Hannity's remaining microscopic particle of integrity is destroyed in this clear example of journalistic malpractice. In an INTENTIONAL attempt to make it appear that Michele Bachman's Super Bowl of Freedom rally was well-attended, Sean Hannity and Fox News used footage from the 9/12 rally from two months ago. This is a must-see video clip. Although Hannity has since apologized after getting caught red-handed, I do not believe for a second that his use of the videotape from two months ago was "inadvertent." See also Jon Stewart's response to Hannity's apology:

Stewart Calls Out Sean Hannity and Fox News - AGAIN!
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck's Protest Footage
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Jon Stewart's Response:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Apologizes to Jon
Daily Show
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Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pelosi Delivers! What Now?

I must say I am surprised that with the massive money injected into the political process from corporate opponents of healthcare reform, I didn't really expect we'd ever see the day that significant reform would ever make through the House. This was a big day for the average American citizen.

I think the plan is far from perfect and does not go nearly far enough in introducing competition into the system. But it is still an enormous leap forward from where we have been stuck for decades. I still cannot see how a similar bill will make it through the Senate and for this reason my excitement is tempered by the dim prospects there. Unless something changes with Lieberman or Senate leaders are willing to use the process of reconciliation, the bill which emerges from the Senate is unlikely to contain a public option.

In addition, it now looks like it could be several months into 2010 before we see a final bill emerge from the Senate. Although this was a historic night for the country, the final bill is likely to be less robust than what we saw come out of the House this evening. I will now spend the next few weeks using my psychic powers to influence the feeble mind of Joe Lieberman. If you see him flip-flop again on healthcare reform I will expect full credit for my efforts and superpowers.

P.S. Let's give some credit to Rep. Cao of Louisiana for having the courage to defy the GOP and vote for this bill!

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Louisiana Justice of the Peace Resigns!

In a follow-up to my scathing critique of Louisiana Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell, I am ecstatic to report that he has resigned due to public pressure and impending action from the state of Louisiana. He represents the worst of America. In his warped mind he felt that if he could just impose his outdated views upon the rest of society he could fix what is wrong with this country.

What is so ironic is that he said the following about interracial couples: "I am concerned for the children that might be born of the relationship..." Could somebody in Tangipahoa Parish please inform this dimwit that the President of the United States is one of those children that he is so concerned about? It kind of blows his transparently racist rationale out of the water. Although I am disheartened that idiots like this still walk the earth taking up valuable resources while perpetuating stupidity at every opportunity, I am comforted by the swift public outcry which drove him from office.

Keith Bardwell, your 15 minutes of fame are over, albeit bestowed on you for all the wrong reasons. A side benefit of your journey into obscurity is that I will never have to lay eyes on that ugly mug ever again.

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