Friday, August 29, 2008

You've Got To Be Joking! Palin for VP???

Are we being punked?? Or did John McCain really just select Sarah Palin to be his VP? What an obvious pander attempt to woo disenchanted Hillary Clinton voters. I'm going to have faith that the target audience for this ridiculous VP selection won't go for it. I have a good feeling that John McCain just lost the 2008 election. Does he really believe that this is the 2nd most qualified person in a country of 300 million people to be Commander-In-Chief of the United States? This is clearly the worst choice for a running mate in the history of the U.S. and begs the question about John McCain's judgement.

You're putting this woman a heartbeat away from the Presidency, but at the same time trying to make the argument that Barack Obama is not ready to be President? I should say a heartbeat away from the Presidency with a 72 year old President; she REALLY could become the President. She is the Governor of Alaska which has a population of 680,000 people. That's right, the entire state has fewer people than 17 CITIES within the U.S. including Columbus OH, Jacksonville FL, and Austin TX! Sarah Palin has no business being considered for VP. I am having Harriet Miers flashbacks at this very moment. I'm thinking he may have to withdraw this nomination and make another selection from the weak pool of Republican VP candidates. If not, Obama can start putting his transition team together now.

UPDATE: I must be on to something because Ariana Huffington just posted almost the exact same comments I posted about Sarah Palin (after I did). I'm convinced she's using my blog for ideas; well I'm convinced of this in my own fantasy world which is good enought for me:

"Palin is more Harriet Miers -- chosen for all the wrong reasons, and glaringly not up to the task."

"Maybe an anxious nation can offer John McCain a do-over."


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Friday, August 15, 2008

Republicans Cannot Call For Impeachment For ANY Reason!

Although I am predicting an Obama win in the fall election, I do not feel it is guaranteed by any means. My recent postings about current polling data and Obama's pending VP decision have me a little concerned. But, for now, let's go with the assumption that Barack Obama is sworn in on January 20, 2009 as the President of the United States. What follows is my instructions for all the Republicans who continued to defend the current President and his administration during all of the illegal and impeachable offenses committed during the last 8 years.

Since we have now entered the era of "anything goes" when it comes to the illegal activities of the President, you Republicans will need to keep your mouths shut when you see illegal activity by any future Democratic President. No whining! You got it? If we did not impeach the current occupant of the White House for his blatant law-breaking, then I am officially declaring any and all President Obama illegalities off-limits for impeachment. Any calls for his impeachment or any complaining about these activities will be considered unamerican and unpatriotic, just as those of us who have criticized President Bush have been labeled. Please, no statements by Republicans who are shocked and outraged, but didn't "bat an eye" as Bush trampled on the Constitution (warrantless wiretapping, torture, etc.), outed undercover CIA agents for political reasons (treason-punishable by death), and made a joke out of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Obama does not strike me as the kind of guy who would commit blatant unconstitutional crimes. I would be profoundly disappointed if he did. I actually wish he would instruct the Justice Department to vigorously pursue indictments against Bush (warantless wiretapping, torture), Cheney (outing of an undercover CIA Agent), Rove (outing of an undercover CIA agent, political prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman), Gonzales (torture, U.S. Attorney firings, illegal hiring practices). It looks like this probably won't happen based on Obama's recent comments.

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