Card has got himself all worked-up about the fact that Obama does not wear a jacket at times in the Oval Office and does not require others to do so. He claims this shows disprespect for the Office of the Presidency. That is a lack of respect for the Office of the Presidency? Give me a break. I thought the White House was supposed to be the peoples' house. I think the new policy is more in keeping with that idea and gets rid of the stuffy, arrogant trappings that the old guard seems to miss so much. But what is really comical is that in Andrew Card's mind the wearing of a jacket is more closely tied to the respect for the Office of the President than torture, warrantless wiretapping, outing of an undercover CIA agent, and the politicizing of the Justice Deparment. Apparently all of the misconduct of Bush and his administration is fine as long as it is done while wearing a jacket. LINK
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