GOP Spin Stops Here! This is where the flood of misinformation from the right-wing spin machine is stopped in its tracks!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Dick Cheney Rebuked By REPUBLICANS Colin Powell and General Petraeus
I have been very outspoken about my disgust for former Vice President Cheney's disgraceful conduct since he was rolled out of the White House in a wheelchair as one of the most unpopular politician's in our history. Lacking any evidence whatsoever, he has continually leveled the charge against President Barack Obama that he has made the United States "less safe." In fact, virtually all of the evidence points to the contrary. There has been no 9/11 on President Obama's watch. Increased cooperation with other countries has led to major successes, drone strikes have been dramatically increased in Pakistan, and numerous plots have been disrupted in the past year here in the U.S. Cheney's one discredited point seems to be that illegal torture methods are no longer employed and therefore we are less safe. Again, the experts agree with virtual unanamity that higher quality intelligence is gathered through proven, professional interrogation methods and not toruture. A flood of recent cases including the "underwear" bomber and Najibullah Zazi (who had plotted to blow up the New York City subway system) show that reams of intelligence were gained without torture and by using the professionals in our criminal justice system.
It was nice to finally see two of the most popular Republicans condemn Cheney's nonsense. Petraeus has actually publicly disagreed with Cheney before stating that "It is hugely significant to us to live the values that we hold so dear and that we have fought so hard to protect over the years." Being that both David Petraeus and Colin Powell are or were Generals, I think they might have just a little bit more credibility on this issue than the former Vice President. The obvious attempt by Cheney and his daughter to undercut the current President of the United States with unsupported, universally discredited, self-serving talking points may make good theater for the far right-wing fringe, but it is beyond shameful. I applaud both Powell and Petraeus for strongly backing President Obama's highly-effective, pro-American anti-terrorism strategies. I would like to see many more Republicans speak out on this issue which should be above the partisan fray, but I am not holding my breath. Watch Powell's scathing rebuke of Cheney's factless charges in the video above. In addition he lays out the FACTS about military commissions.
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I'm pissed at Powell for his United Nations speech which led us into war in Iraq. But at least he has the dececy to step up now and defend President Obama against all of this "not protecting the country" crap. I think Powell would make a great President if I could just forget how he got duped by the Bush Administration leading up to the war in Iraq.