Apparently Beck saw himself rapidly falling behind the rest of the right-wing fringe and realized that some bold action would be necessary to become a contender for "lead idiot." Reacting to this challenge like only a true champion could, Beck stepped-up his game in recent weeks. First, there was the "scream heard around the world" on his radio show two weeks ago. This is when Beck became enraged with a caller on his show and reverted back to his inner female.
Fully aware that the high-pitched scream would not be enough to put him in the lead, Beck "went for broke" on Tuesday during an interview on Fox News when he said that "Obama has a deep-seated hatred for white people." Still not sure if he was now in the lead for right-wing "Lunatic of the Year" Beck let it all hang out later in the interview and said that, "this guy (Obama) I believe is a racist." (See Video Below). And with those seven precious words Beck leapfrogged the competition and can now almost taste victory.
There are still five months left before Beck can claim final victory, but it would take an unprecedented comeback from a Coulter, Hannity, Liddy, Limbaugh, or Palin to snatch almost certain victory away from the newly energized Glenn Beck. It would be pointless to confront Beck with the mountain of evidence which clearly shows Barack Obama does not hate white people or is not a racist. A Glenn Beck with this much momentum would be able to instantly brush aside such evidence including the fact that Obama's mother was WHITE! I wouldn't do that to him anyway. Now is not the time. Now is the time to let him cherish his moment in the sun as he solidifies his position as "Right-Wing Lunatic of the Year!"