Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sarah Palin Goes After Blogger and Free Speech

Sarah Palin and her lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, are livid about the fact that blogger Shannyn Moore said that here are rumors circulating about a criminal investigation into some of Sarah Palin's financial activities. I hardly think that rises to the level of defamation. I have no idea if there is any type of investigation that has Sarah Palin in its crosshairs.

But I do know that this country will not stand by and watch somebody like Sarah Palin and her lawyer attempt to chill free speech. I refuse to watch one of the most uninformed people ever on the national stage intimidate bloggers or reporters. It is now crystal clear that his woman has no concept of what this country is all about.

I guess her memory is pretty short. The woman who is now showing to the world that she is one of the most thin-skinned, hyper-sensitive politicians in the history of the U.S. seems to forget that she accused Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists" just a few months ago.

Sarah: it is one thing if you want to commit political suicide on July 4th, but it is quite another thing if you want to go on a campaign to chill free speech. Myself and millions like me will not let you do that.

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  1. Palin has no case here.

  2. I am no lawyer, don't play one on TV either, but I think Arnie is right--she has no case!

    Too funny! My wv is crack, as in, she must be on crack! lol
