I have no idea what is behind this latest move in the never-ending saga of Sarah Palin's troubled political life. She gave no real reason for this move in her rambling press conference today. No matter the reason, I say that abandoning her duties as Governor at this moment seals the deal that there is no way this woman will ever be elected to high-office in the United States. In reality, she would never have been elected as President even without this story. She was embarrassingly uninformed and it quickly became clear to the majority of Americans that she was not "Vice-Presidential material" let alone Presidential material. Palin's popularity has plummeted in her home state in recent months and she is a scandal magnet.
It will be interesting to see the real, underlying reasons for this decision. It is way too early for her to resign if she was preparing a 2012 presidential run. It has to be something else. I am actually a little sad because the only 100% guarantee that Barack Obama serves a second term is if Sarah Palin is at the top of the GOP ticket in 2012. I really don't think we're going to see that now. But, with this Republican party, anything is possible.
The only person sadder than me to see Palin go is Tina Fey. But I have the feeling this is not the last we are going to see of Sarah Palin and this this is not my last blog post about the former Alaska Governor.
Goodbye Sarah!