Monday, February 15, 2010

Palin Qualified to Be President? New Poll Says Emphatically "No"

After last week's most recent embarrassments at both the Tea Party Convention and on Fox News it appears that Sarah Palin has reinforced the perception that she is profoundly unqualified to be President of the United States. At the Tea Party Convention she was seen by a national television audience reading scribbled notes from the palm of her hand. This came shortly after criticizing President Obama for using a teleprompter and during a question and answer session for which she was prepared for in advance. It was stunning that she would bring up the worn out teleprompter criticism after President Obama's recent performance at the House Republican retreat where he outshined his hosts during a live national broadcast.

Shortly thereafter, Palin appeared on Fox News and floated the possibility that President Obama might "play the Iran war card" in an attempt to enhance his prospects for re-election in 2012. Even the interviewer seemed somewhat stunned at this bizarre notion. It was not a good week for Palin.

These incidents, combined with countless past blunders, seem to have solidified her lack of competence in the minds the American electorate. There is undoubtedly a relatively small but very enthusiastic group of supporters who remain fiercely loyal to Palin. But even that group appears to be shrinking. According to the most recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, 71% of Americans believe she is unqualified to be President of the United States and only 37% have a favorable opinion of Palin. A majority of Republicans also believe Palin is not qualified for the nation's highest office! Although she will continue to have a voice and some level of influence within the GOP, it is becoming more and more obvious that she has no chance of being elected in 2012.

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  1. I can't understand how anybody with even a scrap of intelligence could continue to believe Palin would be a good President. She is dangerously uninformed. I think we can find somebody a little better in a country wih over 300 million people.

  2. I think she'd make a great President. I'm tired of you guys calling her stupid. If she runs I'm voting for her. Go Sarah!
