Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hero or Villain?

Read more about the man who exposed the Bush Administration's illegal warrantless wiretapping program. Remind me again why Bush wasn't impeached and imprisoned for this clear violation of law and the U.S. Constitution?

Eighteen months after Thomas Tamm first disclosed what he knew, the Times reported that President George W. Bush had secretly authorized the NSA to intercept phone calls and e-mails of individuals inside the United States without judicial warrants. The drama followed a quiet, separate rebellion within the highest ranks of the Justice Department concerning the same program. (James Comey, then the deputy attorney general, together with FBI head Robert Mueller and several other senior Justice officials, threatened to resign.) President Bush condemned the leak to the Times as a "shameful act." Federal agents launched a criminal investigation to determine the identity of the culprit. LINK

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Monday, December 8, 2008

The Truth = 1, Conspiracy Theorists = 0


In what must be unbelievable news to the right-wing conspiracy theorists who have been pushing this Obama birth certificate nonsense, the Supreme Court delivers a punch to the gut by rejecting Leo Donofrio's appeal today:

"Without any comment whatsoever, the Supreme Court today declined to take up an appeal by a New Jersey man who questioned President-elect Barack Obama’s eligibility for the presidency.."

Not that this will convince any of these conspiracy nuts who need NO credible evidence to buy in to a conspiracy theory because they read it on a right-wing blog or heard it on pushed on the air by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Jerome Corsi, etc.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008

More On The "Obama Birth Certificate" Conspiracy Nuts

Some choice quotes from a story at Salon.com on these idiots who will NEVER be convinced that Barack Obama is eligible to be President of the United States no matter how much evidence is put in front of their faces (NOTE: Click on image for a full-size view of Obama's birth certificate).

1. The fact that the case has gone to conference doesn't mean anything about its merits -- the court will also be deciding whether to take up a number of other cases, and the chances that the suit will actually be heard is exceedingly small. Eugene Volokh, a law professor at UCLA, has calculated that over the past eight years the court has considered in conference 842 cases that sought a stay. Only 60 of them were actually heard.

2. Any inconvenient facts are irrelevant. People who believe in a conspiracy theory "develop a selective perception, their mind refuses to accept contrary evidence," Chip Berlet, a senior analyst with Political Research Associates who studies such theories, says. "As soon as you criticize a conspiracy theory, you become part of the conspiracy."

3. Evan Harrington, a social psychologist who is an associate professor at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, agrees. "One of the tendencies of the conspiracy notion, the whole appeal, is that a lot of the information the believer has is secret or special," Harrington says. "The real evidence is out there, and you can give them all this evidence, but they'll have convenient ways to discredit it."

4. Rush Limbaugh already suggested that Obama's trip to Hawaii to see his ailing grandmother, who died not long after, was somehow connected to the controversy. Others, like Michael Savage, followed Limbaugh's lead, saying Obama was going to Hawaii to alter the record.

Not surprisingly, almost all of the people who've been most prominent in pushing this story have a history of conspiracist thought. There's Jerome Corsi, who's best known as the co-author of the book that launched the Swift boat vets; he's a chief proponent of the claim that the government is secretly planning to form a "North American Union" with Canada and Mexico. Philip Berg, who filed the lawsuit that had until now drawn the most public attention, is a 9/11 Truther. Andy Martin, who's credited with starting the myth that Obama is a Muslim and has been intimately involved in the birth certificate mess as well, was denied admission to the Illinois bar because of a psychiatric evaluation that showed he had "moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character." He also has a long history of anti-Semitism. Robert Schulz, who's responsible for the ads in the Chicago Tribune, is a fairly notorious tax protester.


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Obama To Appoint Chemical and Biological Weapons Czar After Bush "Punts"

"President-elect Barack Obama plans to appoint a new White House official to coordinate efforts to prevent terrorists from obtaining nuclear or biological weapons, advisers say, giving the highest priority to thwarting a catastrophic attack that a bipartisan panel warns could come in the next five years."

"A law requiring the position, passed by Congress more than a year ago and signed into law by President Bush, has been ignored for more than 15 months, in part because Bush opposes giving the Senate the power to confirm the official." LINK

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Obama Versus Bush On The Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB)

Barack Obama has been receiving the PDB (Presidential Daily Briefing) 7 days a week versus 6 days a week for President Bush. I guess Bush wasn't really looking at this President thing as a full-time gig. He probably needs one day to ponder the "end times" and he figured that taking a day off might make that happen a little sooner. Can we have this inauguration now instead of waiting until January?

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The "Obama Recession" Per Hannity and Limbaugh

If I didn't see it for myself I wouldn't believe it. The right-wing talk show blowhards Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are actually trying to sell the argument that the current tailspin in the stock market is due to the fact that Barack Obama won the election. Sorry, but I'm not buying your idiotic nonsense. I'm sure that won't stop their loyal base of listeners from buying this load of crap. There doesn't seem to be much a firewall between their listeners' brains and the insane crap that comes out of Hannity and Limbaugh's mouths on a daily basis. I'm not even going to go to the trouble of rebutting this ridiculous argument so as not to insult your intelligence. I'm assuming that anyone with a half a brain can figure out how stupid this argument is on its face. I'm just amazed that people with as little intelligence and credibility as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are admired by so many. LINK

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama To Make Capturing Bin Laden A Priority - Finally!

Remember that guy who was responsible for the worst terrorist attack in the history of the U.S? It might be easy to forget him since Bush's brilliant response to 9/11 consisted of invading one of the few countries in the Middle East without terrorist ties. The massive quagmire in Iraq took most of the troops, equipment and focus away from Al Qaeda and the hunt for Bin Laden. And nobody could get anyone within the Bush Administration very interested in Bin Laden before 9/11 either. It looks like we might finally be getting a President that is ready to get serious about bringing Bin Laden to justice or ending his time here on this earth. If Obama can hunt down this coward during his first term it will be just another glaring example of the ineptitude of the Bush Administration. LINK

Bush On Finding Bin Laden: "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."- G.W. Bush, Washington, D.C. 3/13/02

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Barack Obama was elected tonight in an electoral college landslide as our nation's 44th President!!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Draws A Crowd of 100,000 At His Final Rally!

Obama packs them in again at his final rally in Manassas, Virginia and demonstrates his popularity in stark contrast to John McCain's much smaller crowds (see previous post).

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Monday, November 3, 2008

McCain Rally On Election Eve in Tampa Draws Only 1,000 - So Sad..

McCain drew a pathetic crowd of 1,000 at his rally in Tampa, Florida today. How embarrassing. The repudiation of McCain-Palin and the disaster of the last 8 years starts a day early! LINK

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Obama's Grandmother Dies One Day Before Election

Obama tears up while speaking at a rally in North Carolina after learning of his grandmother's death in Hawaii.
"She's gone home," Obama said as the rowdy group of supporters grew silent and tears ran down both cheeks. "And she died peacefully in her sleep with my sister at her side. And so there is great joy as well as tears. I'm not going to talk about it too long because it is hard for me to talk about." LINK

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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Schwarzenegger Criticizes Obama's Physique - Let's Take A Look

"He needs to do something about those skinny legs. I'm going to make him do some squats. And then we're going to make him do some biceps curls to beef up those scrawny little arms."

So the 61 yr old Schwarzenegger thought it would be funny to take a shot at Obama because of his physical appearance?? You must be joking Arnold. Obama is in much better athletic condition than you ever were. "Athletic" is different than lifting weights all day and taking steroids; which you've admitted to in the past. Let's go to the photos (click on the photo below for a larger view):

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Early Voting Favors Democrats In Key States

Some good news for Obama in some key states!

"Just a week before a historic Election Day, registered Democrats in North Carolina are out-voting Republicans by a nearly 2-to-1 margin."

"As of Tuesday, at least 9,813,052 ballots had been cast in 31 states that allow early, in-person or absentee voting without having to provide an excuse. The figures are based on reports from state election officials. Of those votes, at least 1.2 million ballots have been cast by registered Democrats and at least 731,200 by registered Republicans." LINK

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Polls - 9 Days Before The Election

These polls look great if you are a democrat. I cannot envision a
scenario where McCain-Palin can close this gap before election day. They are both too busy shooting themselves in their respective feet. The AP poll showing a one point lead for Obama is an outlier and has been criticized for some problems with its sampling technique.
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

McCain Campaign Worker Fakes Mutiliation!

I'm kind of thinking that the police were pretty suspicious of Ashley Todd's assault story when they saw that the letter "B" on her face was backwards! I guess she forgot about the whole mirror thing and that although it looked correct in the mirror it would look backwards on her friggin face. Matt Drudge was pushing this story hard. I'm not sure who wins the biggest idiot award in the last 24 hours - Matt Drudge or Rush Limbaugh? Hell with it; they can share the award. Credibility and accuracy have always been a low priority on right-wing radio shows and websites. LINK

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Rush Limbaugh Is An Idiot

Limbaugh is now convinced, despite conclusive evidence to the contrary, that Barack Obama's birth certificate is illegitimate. It doesn't take much to convince this moron. He just needs to hear it and then he happily picks up the ball and runs with it.

"When you first announced this, you're gonna rush, you're gonna hurry, you're gonna make tracks, you're gonna get over there because you don't want your grandmother to die before you got there like your mother did, but somehow you keep campaigning, you take three days to get over there, if he's left yet. And this birth certificate business -- I'm just wondering if something's up. I have no clue, and I -- folks, I'm telling you, this has not reached the threshold until now, and it's now popping up all over the place."

This reminds me when Limbaugh showed no class or brains by spreading the misinformation about the Vince Foster suicide case when Clinton was in office. Foster's family was suffering enough trying to recover from that devastating tragedy and then Limbaugh has to put them through hell by going on a one-man campaign trying to sell the argument that Vince Foster was murdered. He was obsessed with this case and felt no need to restrain his opinion despite the fact that all evidence pointed to a suicide. As far as I know he never apologized for his reckless behavior pertaining to this case. I am amazed that people still listen to this guy. LINK

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Michelle Obama Rocks "Republican" Pensacola

Michelle Obama packed the Pensacola Civic Center! I couldn't believe the size and enthusiasm of the crowd. I can't tell you how Republican this area is. My county (Santa Rosa) located just outside of Pensacola, Florida voted approximately 80% for Bush in the past two elections. I voted immediately after the rally and encountered a lot of Obama voters. I'm getting a little more optimistic that Florida is possible for Obama this year.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Crazy Lady Destroys Obama Sign - Owner Calls Cops!

I wondered how this guy had enough control not to smack down this right-wing wacko, but then I found out he is in a wheelchair. God I hope Obama wins and these people move to some communist country where they will feel right at home with their belief system.

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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Powell Endorses Obama!

In what could very well be the final nail in the coffin for the McCain-Palin ticket, Colin Powell today threw his support behind Barack Obama. It was both a ringing endorsement of Obama and a stinging indictment of McCain and Palin. Some key highlights:

On Obama: "He has both style and substance. I think he is a transformational figure," Powell said on NBC's Meet the Press.

"He has met the standard of being a successful president, being an exceptional president."

On McCain: He also harshly criticized some of McCain's campaign tactics, such as the robocall campaign linking Obama to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.

"I know how you can go after one another and that's good. But I think this goes too far, and I think it has made the McCain campaign look a little narrow. It's not what the American people are looking for."

On Palin: "Now that we have had a chance to watch her for some seven weeks, I don't believe she's ready to be president of the United States." "And so that raised some question in my mind as to the judgment that Senator McCain made."


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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Worst Presidency Ever Followed By Worst Campaign Ever

The continuing downward spiral of George Bush's Presidency is now being overshadowed by the failed, dishonest, and dishonorable campaign of John McCain and Sarah Palin. The complete and total failure of the Bush Presidency is fast entering colossal failure territory. He must be wondering if he can get out of town before the world's financial system completely collapses.

During this time of dire economic and financial crisis McCain's campaign has forever cemented it's place in history as the least coherent and most hate-filled campaign in modern U.S. Presidential election history. The silence of John McCain and Sarah Palin as the shouts of "Terrorist!" and "Off With His Head" are clearly heard during their respective campaign events is absolutely unforgivable. Only recently has John McCain began to begrudgingly try to calm his freaked out zealots when it became clear that a backlash was forming. It seems that the only way many of the the die-hard Republicans can rationalize the fact that the Democrats have the far superior candidate in this election is to demonize Obama with ridiculous accusations. McCain and Palin have fostered this atmosphere for weeks with their misleading ads and campaign remarks. And now they have created a frenzied open-season on Obama by their deafening silence.

The combination of a failed Presidency and a horrible campaign could very well result in an electoral college landslide for Obama in November. Moderate voters are likely to swing toward Obama as they see the results of Republican rule and Republican campaign tactics. After licking their wounds on November 5th the Republican party will need to do some serious soul searching or risk a form of irrelevancy for the foreseeable future.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Palin and Cheney Are Playing With My Head!

I don't know if the Republicans are messing with me or what, but I have been followed by Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin on two consecutive days. Yesterday while working on a project in New Orleans I got word that Dick Cheney was in town. And on my way back into Pensacola, Florida this morning I passed the Civic Center and saw CNN along with other news satellite trucks. I whip out my iPhone and see that Sarah Palin is coming to town today.

I'm thinking this is possibly part of the "domestic surveillance" program or an act of intimidation on the part of the Bush administration and the McCain campaign. Maybe they came across my blog and didn't like what they saw. I am curious how they knew about my blog though because I wasn't going to start promoting it until this coming weekend. Oh yeah, I forgot that they monitor everybody's internet habits, mail, phone calls, email, and reading list. It's all starting to make sense now.

It rained in New Orleans yesterday and it's raining here in Pensacola today. These two forces of darkness seem to bring dark clouds wherever they go. I'm tired and I plan to sleep through her campaign stop in Pensacola; that is if I don't get arrested for my free thinking and enthusiastic support of Barrack Obama. If this ends up being my last blog post, you guys please come looking for me in Guantanamo or in some secret foreign prison.

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Why We Need Universal Health Insurance

This article at MSNBC.com cites specific cases of Americans who are rejected by insurance companies for healthcare coverage. The heartless and illogical exclusionary practices employed by health insurance companies against hard-working and often perfectly healthy U.S. citizens is a national disgrace which can no longer be tolerated. Read the linked article for a perspective that shows how our current broken system affects U.S. citizens on an individual individual level. LINK

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Palin = Bush On Steroids

I'm really not up to it. What I'm saying is if Palin's butt somehow ends up plopping down on the chair in the Oval Office because McCain checks out of this life, I can't take another George W. Bush.

I can't take another President who doesn't read newspapers. What is really unbelievable is that I honestly believe that she couldn't think of a newspaper when she was asked by Katie Couric. I can't take another President who says "Nuke-U-Ler" instead of "Nuke-Lee-Er." I can't take another President who is absolutely clueless about foreign policy and needs to be schooled on the subject starting from ZERO knowledge. I can't take another religious fanatic, end-timer with his or her finger on the nuclear button. I can't accept another President/Vice President who thinks that the Vice President and President need more power; yeah, she actually spoke about an expanded role for the Vice President. I will not accept another President who is the one people think they would rather have a beer with; I know I'd have a lot better time knocking a few back with Obama anyway. I would be looking for the nearest exit within 30 seconds after listening to Palin's nasal voice drone on at a 3rd grade-level of conversation.

All I am absolutely sure of is that this country cannot survive another intellectually deficient President like George W. Bush. We need some brain power and competence in order to start cleaning up the destruction of our economy and repair our international standing. We need to restore the time when the United States stood for something by respecting the Constitution and representing excellence in this world. The last eight years have been a race towards the bottom in virtually every category both foreign and domestic. Sarah Palin looking over John McCain's shoulder is an unacceptable option. No George W. Bush in a dress. Time for folksy airhead Sarah to get on back up there to Alaska Doggone-it.

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Friday, September 26, 2008

A Failed Presidency - The Legacy of George W. Bush

Things are so bad for George Bush that I almost feel a little bit sorry for him. It is becoming clear to even his staunchest supporters that the Presidency of George Bush is a stunning failure. He will most likely leave office with the lowest approval rating of any President in U.S. history.

ECONOMY: Virtually every area of the economy is horrible and getting worse. The surplus he inherited has become the largest deficit in history. Home foreclosures continue at a record pace and home values continue to plummet. Unemployment is increasing and wages are stagnant. Gas prices are approximately 250% higher than when he took office. To top it off, the worst financial crisis in modern history is occurring on his watch only months before he leaves office.

HURRICANE KATRINA: George Bush was AWOL and clueless during one of the worst natural disasters to ever affect the U.S. He cut a few days off of his 5 week vacation and finally one of his staff members had to put together a DVD and show it to him to prompt some action on the crisis. Bush is not one to read the newspapers or watch television news.

SEPT. 11: George Bush acted like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car when told about the attacks while at a Florida school. He thought it was more important to keep reading for 7 minutes while the United States was under attack during an era where nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons are a very real possibility. He then flew around the country hiding out and let Cheney run the show. In the biggest diplomatic failure in American history, George Bush squandered the support of the world by invading Iraq (see Iraq below).

CONSTITUTION: In a blatant violation of the Constitution and U.S. law Bush approved warrantless wiretapping of U.S. citizens and then lied about for some time before admitting the practice.

TORTURE: First President to approve a policy of torture.

TREASON: Members of his administration at the highest levels (Cheney, Libby, and Rove) and possibly Bush himself were involved in the outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame. These same people then obstructed justice and blunted the probe of Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald. In an act of arrogance and injustice Bush pardoned Libby who was at the heart of blocking the truth from being revealed about the extent of involvement of Bush, Cheney and Rove.

Iraq: The quagmire in Iraq will be left for the next President to solve. Iraq will overshadow everything else in Bush's legacy. After the attacks of 9/11 the U.S. had the support and goodwill of the entire world, including many of our enemies. The bizarre decision to invade Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9/11) alienated most other countries and squandered the once in a lifetime opportunity to take advantage of the goodwill of the entire world. His blunder cost more than 4,000 American lives, billions of dollars, and shifted the focus away from fighting terrorism.

Afghanistan: By shifting resources into Iraq, the job in Afghanistan was never completed and now we are experiencing more casualties there than in Iraq. Generals are calling for more troops, but they are bogged down in Iraq.

Osama Bin Laden: It appears that Bush will leave office without having captured or killed the man responsible for the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. The decision to not take him out in Tora Bora with a large contingent of U.S. forces was a stunning blunder. Bush allowed him to escape that area with only a token effort to find or kill him.

North Korea: North Korea has recently said they are restarting their nuclear program.

APPOINTEES: The list of Bush's incompetent and Constitution burning appointees include Alberto Gonzales, John Ashcroft, Harriet Miers, Michael Mukasey, Michael Brown (FEMA), Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Michael Chertoff, John Bolton (U.N.), Paul Bremer, Sara Taylor, Karl Rove, etc. etc.

In Conclusion: George W. Bush can ride off into the sunset having screwed up virtually everything he touched. His position as the worst President of the modern era is uncontested and well-deserved. The next time the country thinks about voting for the guy they want to have a beer with, maybe they will remember the failed presidency of George W. Bush and vote for the competent guy instead. Now George Bush can look forward to a permanent vacation where he always seemed more comfortable anyway.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Rise and Fall of McCain/Palin

It looks like the polling data is starting to move back in the direction of Barack Obama as I thought it would. The shine is starting to wear off of Palin and this economic turmoil leaves McCain looking weak when he tries to speak about it logically. For him to now be pushing regulation of the financial system when he was against it all these years makes him look ridiculous.

When we look back on this election after November 4th I predict that we will see that McCain/Palin peaked immediately after the Republican convention. The more we find out about Sarah Palin, the worse she looks. She has a lot of fires popping up and the "Republican Truth Suppression Squad" is having trouble putting them all out; the blaze is now out of control and is only about 20% contained. Obama seized the upper-hand, finally went on offense and skillfully beat McCain over the head with his "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" comments. John McCain is on the canvas, bloody, dazed, and he will rise to his feet before the 10 count. But not before Obama has taken back the momentum in this election.

There are only 48 days to go, the economy is swirling the drain, the "Palin-effect" is wearing off, McCain is looking clueless, and blatant lies continue to flow out of the Republican smear machine. Without an "October Surprise" up their sleeve, I predict the desperate tactics of the Republicans will be rejected and Obama will be the winner of a historic election on November 4th.
New Poll
All Presidential Polls

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Matt Damon on the Absurd Possibilty of Sarah Palin as President

Matt Damon is "the man." Somebody high-profile needed to say this. It looks like its not going to be done in any meaningful way by the media. Obama can't do it or it's considered "picking on a defenseless soccer mom." Way to go Matt Damon!

"In terms of governance it's a disaster" - Matt Damon
"It's like a really bad Disney movie" - Matt Damon
"It's absurd, totally absurd" - Matt Damon
"It's a really terrifying possibility" - Matt Damon

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

If Sarah Palin Is A Foreign Policy Expert Then So Am I!

Here is another idiot (Steve Doocy of FoxNews) trying to sell the argument that Sarah Palin has foreign policy experience based on Alaska's proximity to Russia. Using Republican logic, since I live in Florida I must be a foreign policy expert on the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. I will await my appointment as ambassador to Costa Rica in the McCain administration. Maybe I finally do have a reason to pull for McCain now! I am now considered highly qualified for many important government positions within the McCain administration due to my close physical proximity to certain countries.

Steve Doocy of Fox News is not the only Republican shill to try to float this nonsensical argument. John McCain, Cindy McCain, and Frank Gaffney have also tried to make this argument with a straight face. LINK

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Obama "Bounce" - Finally!

As of today Obama is looking pretty good in most of the polling data. He finally got his bounce, albeit a little late. It will be interesting to see where the polls settle after the Republican Convention and the continuing saga of Sarah Palin.

Gallup Tracking: Obama +8 (Note: 1st time Obama has hit 50%!!)
Rasmussen: Obama +6
Hotline/FD: Obama +9
CNN: Obama +1
CBS News: Obama +8
USA Today/Gallup: Obama +7


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Friday, August 29, 2008

You've Got To Be Joking! Palin for VP???

Are we being punked?? Or did John McCain really just select Sarah Palin to be his VP? What an obvious pander attempt to woo disenchanted Hillary Clinton voters. I'm going to have faith that the target audience for this ridiculous VP selection won't go for it. I have a good feeling that John McCain just lost the 2008 election. Does he really believe that this is the 2nd most qualified person in a country of 300 million people to be Commander-In-Chief of the United States? This is clearly the worst choice for a running mate in the history of the U.S. and begs the question about John McCain's judgement.

You're putting this woman a heartbeat away from the Presidency, but at the same time trying to make the argument that Barack Obama is not ready to be President? I should say a heartbeat away from the Presidency with a 72 year old President; she REALLY could become the President. She is the Governor of Alaska which has a population of 680,000 people. That's right, the entire state has fewer people than 17 CITIES within the U.S. including Columbus OH, Jacksonville FL, and Austin TX! Sarah Palin has no business being considered for VP. I am having Harriet Miers flashbacks at this very moment. I'm thinking he may have to withdraw this nomination and make another selection from the weak pool of Republican VP candidates. If not, Obama can start putting his transition team together now.

UPDATE: I must be on to something because Ariana Huffington just posted almost the exact same comments I posted about Sarah Palin (after I did). I'm convinced she's using my blog for ideas; well I'm convinced of this in my own fantasy world which is good enought for me:

"Palin is more Harriet Miers -- chosen for all the wrong reasons, and glaringly not up to the task."

"Maybe an anxious nation can offer John McCain a do-over."


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Friday, August 15, 2008

Republicans Cannot Call For Impeachment For ANY Reason!

Although I am predicting an Obama win in the fall election, I do not feel it is guaranteed by any means. My recent postings about current polling data and Obama's pending VP decision have me a little concerned. But, for now, let's go with the assumption that Barack Obama is sworn in on January 20, 2009 as the President of the United States. What follows is my instructions for all the Republicans who continued to defend the current President and his administration during all of the illegal and impeachable offenses committed during the last 8 years.

Since we have now entered the era of "anything goes" when it comes to the illegal activities of the President, you Republicans will need to keep your mouths shut when you see illegal activity by any future Democratic President. No whining! You got it? If we did not impeach the current occupant of the White House for his blatant law-breaking, then I am officially declaring any and all President Obama illegalities off-limits for impeachment. Any calls for his impeachment or any complaining about these activities will be considered unamerican and unpatriotic, just as those of us who have criticized President Bush have been labeled. Please, no statements by Republicans who are shocked and outraged, but didn't "bat an eye" as Bush trampled on the Constitution (warrantless wiretapping, torture, etc.), outed undercover CIA agents for political reasons (treason-punishable by death), and made a joke out of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Obama does not strike me as the kind of guy who would commit blatant unconstitutional crimes. I would be profoundly disappointed if he did. I actually wish he would instruct the Justice Department to vigorously pursue indictments against Bush (warantless wiretapping, torture), Cheney (outing of an undercover CIA Agent), Rove (outing of an undercover CIA agent, political prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman), Gonzales (torture, U.S. Attorney firings, illegal hiring practices). It looks like this probably won't happen based on Obama's recent comments.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Why You Have To Vote This Year!

For those of you sitting on the fence for the upcoming general election, I would like to give you a huge reason to head to the polls in November: THE SUPREME COURT! It is possible that the next President will be in a position to nominate two or three justices for the Supreme Court. Seven out of the nine justices currently serving on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republican Presidents! And at least one of the two justices appointed by President Clinton is likely to be facing retirement (Ruth Bader Ginsburg). Judge Ginsburg is the second oldest justice on the Supreme Court at 75 years old. Judge John Paul Stevens, the oldest judge on the court, is 88 years old and is likely to retire at any moment. Even though he was appointed by President Ford he is considered to be in the “liberal” wing of the Supreme Court.

In other words, two of the members of the so-called liberal wing of the court are very likely to retire during the next President’s term. This country would be unrecognizable if John McCain were in a position to appoint 2 or 3 right-wing, conservative justices in the mold of Roberts, Alito, or Scalia. McCain has caved-in to the right-wing zealots of his party and said that he will appoint very conservative judges. Respect for the Constitution and privacy rights have been trounced upon by the current administration and certain members of this court. It would be unimaginable to me to see the Supreme Court lean even more towards the right. For this reason alone, this is one of the most important elections in the history of the United States! Do not forget that these justices serve for life. Every American’s life, for many years to come, will be directly affected by the makeup of the Supreme Court. VOTE! More specifically, vote for Obama and for a Supreme Court that respects the Constitution and individual rights
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