Sunday, November 15, 2009

Jon Stewart NAILS Hannity In Yet Another Fox News Deception!

Any critical-thinking individual doesn't need any convincing that Fox News is regularly deceptive, dishonest, or incredibly biased on a daily basis. But in classic Jon Stewart style, Sean Hannity's remaining microscopic particle of integrity is destroyed in this clear example of journalistic malpractice. In an INTENTIONAL attempt to make it appear that Michele Bachman's Super Bowl of Freedom rally was well-attended, Sean Hannity and Fox News used footage from the 9/12 rally from two months ago. This is a must-see video clip. Although Hannity has since apologized after getting caught red-handed, I do not believe for a second that his use of the videotape from two months ago was "inadvertent." See also Jon Stewart's response to Hannity's apology:

Stewart Calls Out Sean Hannity and Fox News - AGAIN!
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck's Protest Footage
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Jon Stewart's Response:
The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Sean Hannity Apologizes to Jon
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pelosi Delivers! What Now?

I must say I am surprised that with the massive money injected into the political process from corporate opponents of healthcare reform, I didn't really expect we'd ever see the day that significant reform would ever make through the House. This was a big day for the average American citizen.

I think the plan is far from perfect and does not go nearly far enough in introducing competition into the system. But it is still an enormous leap forward from where we have been stuck for decades. I still cannot see how a similar bill will make it through the Senate and for this reason my excitement is tempered by the dim prospects there. Unless something changes with Lieberman or Senate leaders are willing to use the process of reconciliation, the bill which emerges from the Senate is unlikely to contain a public option.

In addition, it now looks like it could be several months into 2010 before we see a final bill emerge from the Senate. Although this was a historic night for the country, the final bill is likely to be less robust than what we saw come out of the House this evening. I will now spend the next few weeks using my psychic powers to influence the feeble mind of Joe Lieberman. If you see him flip-flop again on healthcare reform I will expect full credit for my efforts and superpowers.

P.S. Let's give some credit to Rep. Cao of Louisiana for having the courage to defy the GOP and vote for this bill!

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Louisiana Justice of the Peace Resigns!

In a follow-up to my scathing critique of Louisiana Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell, I am ecstatic to report that he has resigned due to public pressure and impending action from the state of Louisiana. He represents the worst of America. In his warped mind he felt that if he could just impose his outdated views upon the rest of society he could fix what is wrong with this country.

What is so ironic is that he said the following about interracial couples: "I am concerned for the children that might be born of the relationship..." Could somebody in Tangipahoa Parish please inform this dimwit that the President of the United States is one of those children that he is so concerned about? It kind of blows his transparently racist rationale out of the water. Although I am disheartened that idiots like this still walk the earth taking up valuable resources while perpetuating stupidity at every opportunity, I am comforted by the swift public outcry which drove him from office.

Keith Bardwell, your 15 minutes of fame are over, albeit bestowed on you for all the wrong reasons. A side benefit of your journey into obscurity is that I will never have to lay eyes on that ugly mug ever again.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Louisiana Justice of the Peace Refuses Marriage License to Interracial Couple

Louisiana justice of the peace Keith Bardwell refused to issue a marriage license because the husband and wife are of different races. Really? In 2009? Yeah, it's true. Check it out here. Another gem of the deep south shines a light on his own stupidity. Just because he is against interracial marriage in no way entitles Mr.Bardwell to deny U.S. citizens to legally marry.

Forgive me for becoming weary of those on the right and religious fringe thinking they are doing God's work by refusing to carry out their jobs in a lawful and respectful manner. Bardwell reminds me of the pharmacists who refuse to dispense the "morning after" pill due to their personal religious beliefs. This country cannot function very effectively if every person in a position of power decides to carry out only those specific functions which do not conflict with their view of the world in any way.

I have some advice if you are a pharmacist who feels compelled to deny women a legal drug or a justice of the peace who just cannot bring himself to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple. Find another line of work! Or better yet, do not enter these professions in the first place. I hope that the couple denied a license in Louisiana decide to proceed with their complaint to the U.S. Department of Justice. In addition, I hope the ACLU is successful in their pleading to the Louisiana Supreme Court which requests that Mr. Bardwell be removed from office.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

GOP Fringe At The Tipping Point?

Has the tipping point been reached in this country? Has one of our major political parties crossed the line into a bizarre realm where the fringe elements have become mainstream? Is it possible that otherwise intelligent, moderate voices within the GOP lack the courage or good sense to distance themselves from the fringe which is now completely unchecked and out-of-control? Unfortunately, the answer to all of these questions appears to be YES!

Birthers. Deathers. Those who feel comfortable comparing President Obama to Hitler, Nazis, socialists, and Marxists now seem to be in control of the Republican party. People who speak about "death panels" and a "government takeover" of healthcare have free reign within the new GOP. Those Republicans who do nothing to criticize or distance themselves from these fact-free zealots are just as guilty as the zealots themselves.

The warning signs were there months ago when powerful politicians cowered at the feet of Rush Limbaugh rather than face his wrath. Then the tea parties provided a forum for those who could not accept Barack Obama as our President to pop the cork on a big old bottle of "crazy" combined with an large helping of "hate speech." It culminated more recently with Glenn Beck branding President Obama a racist, Joe Wilson calling the President of the United States a 'Liar" on the floor of the House of Representatives, and people carrying signs with the classy slogan "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy." Is there no limit to what is now acceptable behavior within the Republican party? How is this going to end? Will it end? Or will the leaders within the GOP continue to lend support with their deafening silence to the growing fringe who now feel empowered to spew their misinformation, hate, disrespect without being challenged.

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Another Supreme Court Nomination for Obama?

There are indications that the 89 year old liberal justice John Paul Stevens may be preparing to retire from the Supreme Court. He would be 90 years old when the 2010 term starts in October of next year. Although he was nominated by a Republican President (Gerald Ford) he is considered to be in the liberal wing of the Supreme Court.

If Stevens does announce his intention to retire it will be interesting to see if President Obama will shed his fantasy of bipartisanship and his desire for compromise and start representing the people who elected him by nominating a LIBERAL justice. After all, President Bush did not hesitate nominating two very conservative justices in the form of Alito and Roberts.

I feel that President Obama partially failed his first litmus test by not flexing any political muscle during the healthcare debate. He essentially let the minority party frame the debate and made him come to them instead of the other way around. We destroyed the Republicans in November and have significant margins in both houses of Congress, correct? I thought so, but the way things have gone on healthcare you would never know it. If Obama does not want to completely alienate his base and appear weak, I believe he will need to show that he is willing to take on the Republicans from a position of strength and fight for what he believes and nominate a highly-qualified LIBERAL justice to the Supreme Court.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bill Clinton Delivers! Right Wing Cranks Up The False Outrage

Bill Clinton arrived in California today with Lara Ling and Euna Lee. The two journalists had been held captive in North Korea for 5 months. In predictable fashion, while the world cheers the mission's stunning success, many in the right-wing are falling over themselves to criticize the outcome, President Obama, and former President Bill Clinton.

For many of these critics anything that is achieved without the use of military force is totally unacceptable. In addition, any accomplishment by a Democrat is to be derided at all costs. But it is obvious that the advantages of this diplomatic success far outweigh any real or imagined disadvantages being trumpeted by John Bolton and others. This is why John Bolton is wrong as usual:

1. Any propaganda value within North Korea is fleeting and minimal. A brief meeting to allow Kim Jong-il to "save a little face" comes at virtually no cost to the U.S. It is not like Clinton's brief time in North Korea propped-up a regime that was on the verge of collapse or overthrow by the opposition. The country is in dire straits, but not the leadership.

2. It appears that no deals were cut and no concessions were made to secure the release of the U.S. journalists.

3. These ex-prisoners are now safely on American soil and can no longer be used as bargaining chips in an attempt to extract concessions in future negotiations or conflicts.

4. Although it is too early to know for sure, this unexpected release by Kim Jong-il may have been a goodwill gesture towards the U.S. In that part of the world actions speak louder than words. It has been obvious for several years that Kim Jong-il has been trying to get attention in much the same way that a young, frustrated child does. There is some potential that this situation may open he door to diplomatic progress between the two countries in the future.

If the unpopular and unconfirmed former U.S. Representative to the UN, John Bolton, wants to pop-up out of his hole and take a shot at Bill Clinton, that's fine. Bolton has a long history of playing loose with the truth and being and abrasive towards colleagues and subordinates when things don't go his way. I think the overwhelming public support for Bill Clinton's successful mission will cause the snarly Bolton to crawl back into his hole while seething at another success by the Democrats and also leave him confused why these events don't fit neatly into his warped view of the world.

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Glenn Beck Takes Lead In Battle For Right-Wing "Lunatic of the Year" Title

This year it looked certain that the coveted right-wing "Lunatic of the Year" title would go to one of the heavily-favored frontrunners such as Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Rush Limbaugh, or Michael Steele. But surprisingly, a dark horse has vaulted into the lead in the form of conservative TV and radio talk show host Glenn Beck.

Apparently Beck saw himself rapidly falling behind the rest of the right-wing fringe and realized that some bold action would be necessary to become a contender for "lead idiot." Reacting to this challenge like only a true champion could, Beck stepped-up his game in recent weeks. First, there was the "scream heard around the world" on his radio show two weeks ago. This is when Beck became enraged with a caller on his show and reverted back to his inner female.

Fully aware that the high-pitched scream would not be enough to put him in the lead, Beck "went for broke" on Tuesday during an interview on Fox News when he said that "Obama has a deep-seated hatred for white people." Still not sure if he was now in the lead for right-wing "Lunatic of the Year" Beck let it all hang out later in the interview and said that, "this guy (Obama) I believe is a racist." (See Video Below). And with those seven precious words Beck leapfrogged the competition and can now almost taste victory.

There are still five months left before Beck can claim final victory, but it would take an unprecedented comeback from a Coulter, Hannity, Liddy, Limbaugh, or Palin to snatch almost certain victory away from the newly energized Glenn Beck. It would be pointless to confront Beck with the mountain of evidence which clearly shows Barack Obama does not hate white people or is not a racist. A Glenn Beck with this much momentum would be able to instantly brush aside such evidence including the fact that Obama's mother was WHITE! I wouldn't do that to him anyway. Now is not the time. Now is the time to let him cherish his moment in the sun as he solidifies his position as "Right-Wing Lunatic of the Year!"

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sarah Palin Goes After Blogger and Free Speech

Sarah Palin and her lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, are livid about the fact that blogger Shannyn Moore said that here are rumors circulating about a criminal investigation into some of Sarah Palin's financial activities. I hardly think that rises to the level of defamation. I have no idea if there is any type of investigation that has Sarah Palin in its crosshairs.

But I do know that this country will not stand by and watch somebody like Sarah Palin and her lawyer attempt to chill free speech. I refuse to watch one of the most uninformed people ever on the national stage intimidate bloggers or reporters. It is now crystal clear that his woman has no concept of what this country is all about.

I guess her memory is pretty short. The woman who is now showing to the world that she is one of the most thin-skinned, hyper-sensitive politicians in the history of the U.S. seems to forget that she accused Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists" just a few months ago.

Sarah: it is one thing if you want to commit political suicide on July 4th, but it is quite another thing if you want to go on a campaign to chill free speech. Myself and millions like me will not let you do that.

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Sarah Palin Resigns!

I have no idea what is behind this latest move in the never-ending saga of Sarah Palin's troubled political life. She gave no real reason for this move in her rambling press conference today. No matter the reason, I say that abandoning her duties as Governor at this moment seals the deal that there is no way this woman will ever be elected to high-office in the United States. In reality, she would never have been elected as President even without this story. She was embarrassingly uninformed and it quickly became clear to the majority of Americans that she was not "Vice-Presidential material" let alone Presidential material. Palin's popularity has plummeted in her home state in recent months and she is a scandal magnet.

It will be interesting to see the real, underlying reasons for this decision. It is way too early for her to resign if she was preparing a 2012 presidential run. It has to be something else. I am actually a little sad because the only 100% guarantee that Barack Obama serves a second term is if Sarah Palin is at the top of the GOP ticket in 2012. I really don't think we're going to see that now. But, with this Republican party, anything is possible.

The only person sadder than me to see Palin go is Tina Fey. But I have the feeling this is not the last we are going to see of Sarah Palin and this this is not my last blog post about the former Alaska Governor.

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Friday, June 26, 2009

Outing A CIA Agent Now Legal In The U.S.

There is only one logical conclusion that can be drawn from the fact that the Supreme Court has declined to hear Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson's case against Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and Richard Armitage. The conclusion is that undercover CIA Agents can now be outed in this country with impunity. Overwhelming evidence points directly to Dick Cheney for initiating the leak of Valerie Plame's name when he became outraged at her husband's article exposing the Bush Administration's false assertions regarding Iraq's nuclear program.

This was a clear case of treason committed purely for petty political vengeance. Nobody was ever held accountable for this most un-American of acts. There are many to blame for the lack of accountability in this case. President Bush said he would terminate anyone found responsible for leaking the information, but he never fired anybody connected with the leak (Cheney, Rove, Armitage, Libby). He added insult to injury by pardoning the guy (Libby) who blatantly obstructed the investigation.

Armitage was the primary source because he recklessly blabbed Plame's name to Robert Novak and Bob Woodward. Rove, by multiple accounts, was the confirming source in his conversations with reporters Matt Cooper and Robert Novak. These guys were beyond careless and I don't buy for a second their lame explanations. Her name was floating around out there in the Bush White House because Cheney got the ball rolling after Joe Wilson's article. Even Ari Fleischer (White House Spokesman) and Dan Bartlett (Counselor to the President) were mentioning Plame's name. Fleischer was granted immunity by Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald and admitted revealing Plame's name to David Gregory of NBC News after he heard Bartlett openly reveal that Plame worked for the CIA aboard Air Force One.

Fitzgerald was unwilling to go forward with a case against any of the principles because he claimed that he was obstructed by Libby. But there was a LOT of evidence that this was a politically motivated act of vengeance initiated by Dick Cheney. The final stage of leaking was carried out by the Rove's, Armitages, etc. I think Fitzgerald had a strong case, but decided not to pursue it for reasons I still cannot fully comprehend. Imagine for a second that the Clinton or Obama administrations outed an undercover CIA agent. The Republicans would lose their minds. But due to the Bush Administration, Patrick Fitzgerald, and the Supreme Court we have established a new precedent in the United States: It is now acceptable to out an undercover CIA agent without any consequences whatsoever. It is a sad day for this country and a triumph for future traitors.
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Frank Rich Nails It Again - A Must Read About Conservatives Stoking The Fires of Irrational Hate

I have been very clear about my opinion of the Bill O'Reillys, Rush Limbaughs, and Glenn Becks of the world in terms of their irresponsible use of inflammatory language as they carelessly fan the flames of hatred in this country. What makes it all the more despicable is that they try to stoke the fire over the most preposterous, false "issues" (Obama is a socialist-Nazi-terrorist, wants to take your guns away, is not a U.S. citizen, etc., etc.).

I include Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney in this group. Dick Cheney says that Obama is making the U.S. less safe, but is unable to provide any evidence to support this careless charge. His daughter Liz Cheney implies that Obama is un-American because he does not cite "American exceptionalism" during his overseas trips, even though there is videotape of President Obama using those exact words! New York Times columnist Frank Rich sums it all up very eloquently in this must-read editorial. Here is one excerpt:

What is this fury about? In his scant 145 days in office, the new president has not remotely matched the Bush record in deficit creation. Nor has he repealed the right to bear arms or exacerbated the wars he inherited. He has tried more than his predecessor ever did to reach across the aisle. But none of that seems to matter. A sizable minority of Americans is irrationally fearful of the fast-moving generational, cultural and racial turnover Obama embodies — indeed, of the 21st century itself. That minority is now getting angrier in inverse relationship to his popularity with the vast majority of the country.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sotomayor Hearings To Begin July 13 - Republicans Outraged (Again)

Senator Patrick Leahy announced that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor will begin July 13th. This will put her on track to be confirmed before the congressional recess in August.

Although this timeline is almost exactly the same as the one for Chief Justice John Roberts when he was nominated by President Bush in 2005, this hasn't stopped Senate Republicans from crying foul. In ANOTHER case of false outrage, Mitch McConnell says that "We're not clear yet how long it's going to take to work our way through her extensive record..."

I can now tell you how long it is going to take to examine her record: From now until July 12th. Again, the Republicans think they can still dictate these decisions even they though they were voted out of power. Maybe this will snap them back to reality. I was surprised when I heard Newsweek's Howard Fineman predict that the hearings would be held in the Fall. My reaction was why in the world would they put off until then when the Democrats are in control? Looks like I got it right this time.
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Republican False Outrage Watch: Obamas' Night Out In New York City

The latest example of Republican False Outrage is in response to The President of the United States and his wife having the gall to have a night out in New York City after 4 months in office. The bogus "uproar" from the right appears to center around the cost of transportation for the trip.

In another case of Republican amnesia they have somehow forgotten that it was THEIR PRESIDENT who took 149 trips to Camp David for a total of 487 days. Bush also took 77 trips to his "ranch" in Crawford, Texas and spent all or part of 490 days there! Thar's a grand total of 977 days! How much do they think it costs to fly Air Force One from Washington D.C. to Texas? We're not talking about the "mini" Air Force One Obama took to New York, we're talking about the big dog.

This is just another case of "projection" from memory-challenged partisans in the Republican party. It reminds me of the outrage of the Tax Day Tea Protesters. It was THEIR PARTY that took budget surpluses and turned them into record budget deficits and created the worst economic crisis of my lifetime. And even more bizarre was the fact that 95% of people will experience a tax cut under Obama.

BLOGGING DEMOCRATIC False Republican Outrage Watch:

- President's Obama's Use of A Teleprompter Rather
Than Written Notes.
- Tax Day Tea Protests.
- Hugo Chavez Handshake.
- Ordering A Hamburger With Spicy Mustard.
- Obama's Date Night In New York City.

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Another Case of Domestic Terrorism In the U.S.

The terrorists are not just located in far-away middle eastern countries. They are also located here in the U.S. The person who murdered Dr. Tiller today in Kansas was sending a clear message to other doctors who perform abortions. If you perform LEGAL abortions in this country you are placing your life at great risk. That is terrorism and we need to fight it just as aggressively as we are fighting international terrorism. I must commend President Obama and Attorney General Holder for their swift actions in this case.

I live in the heart of probably the most notorious city for anti-abortion violence in the U.S. - Pensacola, Florida. I still remember the foggy night on Christmas eve 1984 when I was standing outside and speaking with a good friend after we left a party I attended at another friend's house. Suddenly the calm was shattered by an explosion and then by another much stronger explosion. I then drove home wondering what it was I had just heard. Little did I know that I was the first car to drive by the abortion clinic that was bombed that Christmas eve. Two other doctor's offices were also bombed. My friend and I are probably the only people to hear 2 out of the 3 bombings that night.

More Pensacola history: In 1993 Dr. David Gunn was shot and killed outside an abortion clinic. This was the first murder of an abortion doctor in the United States. In 1994 Dr. John Britton and clinic escort retired Air Force Lt. Colonel James Barrett were both shot and killed outside of another facility in Pensacola. Thankfully, all of the domestic terrorists were captured and convicted in these cases. Reverend Paul Hill, who committed the 1994 murders, was executed in 2003 - good riddance to that unrepentant, arrogant piece of trash who committed his terrorist acts in the name of God. The other terrorists were sent to prison and Michael Griffin, who committed the 1993 murder, is serving a life sentence.

There are no easy solutions to stopping this steady stream of domestic terrorism which has been occurring on U.S. soil for more than 25 years. But we must do what we can to protect the medical staff and escorts at these offices and clinics from a handful of insane, misguided fanatics.
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Former VP Without Any Class and Without A Clue

On a day when the sitting, very popular President delivered a major speech on national security, the astoundingly unpopular, discredited Vice President gave an immediate "rebuttal." I am aware that Cheney has been on a non-stop "Undermine Obama and Try To Save My Ass Media Tour," but his "rebuttal" today shattered any notion that he has even an ounce of class. He obviously doesn't.

The American people spoke in November when President Obama received more votes than any other presidential candidate in U.S. history. By a large margin the country came down on the side of respecting the Constitution and closing Guantanamo. It was an electoral college landslide in which Obama bested the republican candidate by more than a 2 to 1 margin (365-172) and won the popular vote by almost 10 million. Cheney's disgraced reign over this country, in which its cherished values and sacred Constitution were little more than an afterthought, ended when they rolled him out the door in a wheelchair.

I can only conclude that he is now completely delusional or desperately trying to head off a possible conviction. He is quite the chatterbox since he left office. Where was he for eight years? You almost never saw the guy. His behavior since leaving office is nothing short of disgusting. Trying to undercut the President at every turn followed by his lame, twisted justifications for his illegal and un-American actions while in office is turning into a sad sideshow. This is unprecedented behavior and shows no self-awareness of just how unpopular he is and that there is now a new leader who is supported by the majority of Americans. It is a new day, but he just can't accept it.

I think President Obama summed-up Cheney's philosophy and those who support Cheney when he said:

"On the other end of the spectrum, there are those who embrace a view that can be summarized in two words: anything goes. Their arguments suggest that the ends of fighting terrorism can be used to justify any means, and that the President should have blanket authority to do whatever he wants - provided that it is a President with whom they agree."

That philosophy is not what America is all about and is also why, despite Dick Cheney's best efforts, history will always consider him to be a key player in one of America's darkest chapters.
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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Latest Republican "False Outrage" - Nancy Pelosi

Let me see if I understand this correctly. No outrage from the right-wing about torture, outing an undercover CIA agent, politicizing the Justice Department, Hurricane Katrina, record budget deficits, crumbling infrastructure, and destroying the economy in less than 8 years. BUT if there is any possibility that Nancy Pelosi may have been briefed by the CIA about waterboarding then it is the crime of the century. Or is the crime of the century Obama shaking hands with Chavez, or ordering a hamburger with mustard, or using a teleprompter. This transparent "false outrage" tactic in order to deflect attention from real news is getting old fast.

I am actually not a big fan of Nancy Pelosi primarily because she took impeachment off the table at a time when the facts were screaming out for impeachment of President Bush due to his clear violations of federal law and the Constitution (warrantless wiretapping, torture, etc.). And it really doesn't matter to me whether she gets burned by this issue or not. If investigations and criminal prosecutions of torture cause political damage to some democrats in Congress, then so be it. As I have said on many occasions I am for holding anybody accountable for ordering torture whether they be in a Democratic or Republican Administration. It is not a political issue for me. It goes way beyond that.

For at least a short period of time the mounting evidence that Dick Cheney was suggesting that an Iraqi detainee be waterboarded in order to try to establish a link between Al Qaeda and Iraq gets pushed completely to the side as the media focuses exclusively on the relatively insignificant sideshow of Nancy Pelosi. I have got to give the right-wing credit for their effective "divert attention from Bush/Cheney complicity at all costs" campaign.

At this time it is not clear what was really said in those briefings. There were caveats in Panetta's response which were largely overlooked by the media and Bob Graham's statements cast a lot of doubt on the credibility of the CIA's briefing dates, etc. I will withhold judgment until I see clear evidence one way or the other. But this in no way affects the overwhelming case mounting against high-ranking Bush Administration officials. Let the chips fall where they may.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009

CBS Golf Analyst and Local Mayor Make Dangerous Statements About Democratic Leaders

In the April 2009 issue of D Magazine CBS Sports golf analyst David Feherty made the following statement:

"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this, though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media,if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Osama bin Laden, there's agood chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."

I'm getting tired of this kind of talk by the idiots on the fringe. It reminds me of the comments made during the "Tax Day Tea Protest" near me in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. The mayor of a small city near Fort Walton Beach (Mary Esther, FL) said the following:

"I believe that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are more dangerous to the future of this country than Osama Bin Laden.." See my You Tube clip of the event here - his comments are at the 2:45 mark

I defend anybody's right to criticize the President or Congressional leaders. That is what this country is all about, but I have no tolerance for the kind of comments I've highlighted above. I consider them to be beyond irresponsible. After all, Osama Bin Laden has a $25 million bounty on his head. What are we supposed to infer if Obama, Reid , and Pelosi are "more dangerous" than Osama Bin Laden? Enough is enough.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Torture Apologists Are The Worst Kind Of Americans

Torture apologists comprise approximately half of the U.S. population according to a recent poll. I wonder if these people ever had a civics class or know anything about the history of the United States. I have a feeling that a large percentage of these apologists are republicans and a large subset are the same ones that will defend ANYTHING a republican administration does and try to sell a rationale for it, no matter how preposterous it is.

Their arguments fall apart on every level. Here is my summary of why the United States does not torture (at least until we had a rogue presidency):

What has always separated us from many other countries in the world is our unwavering respect for human rights, the rule of law, and our basic humanity. It has NEVER been demonstrated that the information received from torture is better than other PROVEN, LEGAL methods. In fact, there is overwhelming evidence that it yields far inferior results and produces a lot of completely false information. Chasing down these false leads wastes valuable intelligence assets which could be used on real, accurate leads.

If you support the United States using torture then you, by default, also support "open season" on our troops when they are captured by other countries. You MUST remain silent and you have NO right to protest as their heads are slammed into walls, they are waterboarded 200 times a month, and are deprived of sleep for 11 days at a time with their hands shackled above their heads. The military understands this and for this reason they are opposed to the U.S. using these illegal methods. Don't say you "support the troops" if you support torture because you really don't support the troops.

We are signatories to international agreements which outlaw these practices. We have prosecuted others for using the exact same methods approved by President Bush. And here is an exact quote from President Bush in 2003:

"The United States is committed to the worldwide elimination of torture and we are leading this fight by example. I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture and in undertaking to prevent other cruel and unusual punishment."
Click here for the link to the article in the Washington Post.

How can a man who stood up and said this in front of the world go on to approve the use of torture? I say we follow HIS WORDS by investigating and prosecuting all acts of torture.
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Video On CNN!

CNN featured my response to President Obama's speech in front of the Joint Session of Congress on February 24, 2009!

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

President Obama Delivers! Jindal - Not So Much.....

In addition to presenting an incredibly ambitious agenda, Obama came across as confident with a clear vision of what he plans to accomplish in the short and near term. I think this was his best speech yet. The Republicans now face the the dilemma of either working with a very popular President or continuing to be inflexible. The current polling is showing Obama to be VERY popular while the Republicans are being viewed as unpopular.

I think the Republicans would have been better off without a response to Obama's speech to the Joint Session of Congress. If Jindal is the Republican's new shining star then they are in a heap of trouble. I felt like Mr. Rogers was talking to me. His delivery was halting and hokey. I believe I actually heard the Republicans' poll number dropping as Jindal was speaking.

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Senators Shelby and Bunning Compete For Idiot of the Day

Two Republican senators make complete fools out of themselves over the weekend:

1. First there is the "brilliant" Republican senator from the state of Alabama who still does not seem convinced about Obama's citizenship. Shelby is quoted as saying the following: "Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate. You have to be born in America to be president.”

NOTE: According to the Associated Press, state officials in Hawaii checked health department records during the campaign and determined there was no doubt Obama was born in Hawaii. The nonpartisan Web site examined the original document and said it does have a raised seal and the usual evidence of a genuine document. In addition, reproduced an announcement of Obama's birth, including his parents' address in Honolulu, that was published in the Honolulu Advertiser on Aug. 13, 1961. Also, Shelby must be the only person who has not seen the official Obama birth certificate posted online.

2. Senator Jim Bunning from Kentucky predicted Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would likely be dead from pancreatic cancer within nine months. I guess this idiot is not only a doctor but a cancer specialist. What he ignores is that her cancer was caught at an early stage and therefore her chances for surviving beyond 9 months are significantly higher. No matter what happens with Ginsburg it was one of the most cold, classless things I've ever heard anyone say.

All of this was said because Bunning is excited by the fact that a liberal judge will be off the court soon: Bunning said "He supports conservative judges and that's going to be in place very shortly because Ruth Bader Ginsburg has cancer."

What makes him think Ginsburg would be replaced by a conservative judge?? I hardly think Obama is planning on appointing a conservative to the Supreme Court.

LINK to Shelby Story
Link to Bunning Story
Link to Obama Birth Certificate

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Only 39% Believe In Evolution

What can I say? Here is another piece of evidence demonstrating the alarmingly low population of scientific, logical thinking people in the U.S.; a truly endangered breed. Please take a look at this Gallup poll and prepare to be shocked. I am anxious to see the results of upcoming polls asking people if they believe the earth is flat, if the moon is made out of cheese, and if cigarettes really cause cancer.
LINK to Actual Gallup Poll

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Patrick Leahy - My New Favorite Senator

On my podcast and videoblog I already applauded Leahy's call for a "Truth and Reconciliation" Commission to investigate the details of the Bush Administration's long list of illegal activities; now Leahy is pushing back on Cheney's recent remarks about Obama's ability to protect the United States from terrorists. This is my favorite quote of 2009 so far:

"I just want to say here Bush and Cheney were in charge when the last attack happened," Leahy said. "They were warned about the last attack before it happened. On September 10th their proposal was to cut our counter-terrorism budget substantially. I don't need any lectures from him. They screwed up badly.

"They are also the same people who said the war in Iraq would be over in a couple weeks and we would find the weapons of mass destruction. Their policy was to let Osama bin Laden get away when we had him cornered and send the troops into a useless war in Iraq. No, no, I don't think he has a great deal of credibility."

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Andrew Card: Wear A Jacket In The Oval Office and All Is Forgiven

Former Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card said the following on the the right-wing Michael Medved radio show when referring to ex-President Bush and other former Republican Presidents: "They treated the Office of the Presidency with tremendous respect."

Card has got himself all worked-up about the fact that Obama does not wear a jacket at times in the Oval Office and does not require others to do so. He claims this shows disprespect for the Office of the Presidency. That is a lack of respect for the Office of the Presidency? Give me a break. I thought the White House was supposed to be the peoples' house. I think the new policy is more in keeping with that idea and gets rid of the stuffy, arrogant trappings that the old guard seems to miss so much. But what is really comical is that in Andrew Card's mind the wearing of a jacket is more closely tied to the respect for the Office of the President than torture, warrantless wiretapping, outing of an undercover CIA agent, and the politicizing of the Justice Deparment. Apparently all of the misconduct of Bush and his administration is fine as long as it is done while wearing a jacket. LINK
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Palin Won't Go Away - Blames Media, Bloggers

Sarah Palin is like that irritating rash that just won't go way. You think it's gone but it starts popping up again and again. I had hoped I had written my last post about Sarah Palin in 2008, but it looks like I am going to have to refute her nonsense again in 2009. I was one of the first to immediately reject McCain's insulting pick for a VP (see post here). And as long as she keeps popping up her head I will be forced to continue to smack her back down like one of those "Whack-A-Mole" games.

Her recent comments:

  1. In speaking about being able to see Russia from Alaska she said the following: "You can! You can see Russia from Alaska. Something like that -- a factual statement that was taken out of context and mocked -- what you have to do is let that go."
    What she fails to speak about is that she tried to imply that being able to see Russia from Alaska was a foreign policy qualification. Nice try Sarah, but trying to rewrite history in the same manner as George W. Bush just isn't going to cut it. We are onto that game we aren't playing that here.

  2. "Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me."
    Well I can only speak for this blogger who is NOT bored, NOT pathetic, NOT anonymous and who challenges the Queen of Ignorance to point out any lie on this blog.

  3. On Katie Couric she states the following: "I never saw the interview after Katie edited it, they spliced it together, did whatever they did and then aired it -- never saw how it came across. But my understanding is that . . . so many other topics that were brought up certainly weren't, uh, portrayed as accurately perhaps as they could have, should have been after that interview."
    I'm still trying to understand the incomprehensible Palin babble-speak, but I think she is trying to imply that editing made her look bad during the Couric interview. I have news for you Sarah, it wasn't the editing that made you look bad. Your stunning ignorance on a broad range of topics and inability to communicate effectively made you look bad. In other words YOU made yourself look bad. Quit trying to blame Katie Couric for your disastrous performance.

    My problem all along with Sarah Palin has not been the drama within her family or rifts within the McCain Palin campaign. It has always been the clear fact that she is incredibly unqualified to be anywhere near the White House.
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Science Is About To Return To The U.S.

Science has been on an 8 year holiday, but it is currently "dusting itself off" as Obama prepares to replace the 'science-denying" Bush Administration. Here are a few choice quotes from Bill Nye:
"President-elect Obama, in contrast with his predecessor, is fundamentally in favor of science."
"Science, more succinctly the process of science, is the best idea humans have ever had."
"Our ability to observe and understand causes and effects in nature has led to our ability to feed billions, map the world, shape cities..."
"Science is empowering like nothing else."
"For years, scientists, enlightened engineers, entrepreneurs, and anyone concerned with the future have worried as the United States' science has waned. Science had been marginalized, regarded as another special interest. But actually, science is of the broadest interest, the most inclusive discipline there is."
"At last, we will have a president, who understands the value of investing in science and especially science and math education." LINK
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